Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Letterbox Building

Over the past week we have been exploring the art of Jeff Thomson. He is a great New Zealand artist who uses corrogated iron! If you have been to Te Papa you would have seen his Holden.

Tamihana's Rocket.

Katie's Sponge Bob.

Charlie's Car.

No more homework!

Dear Parents
There will be no more homework for the remainder of the year. We are busy building letterboxes, sitting end of year exams and studying the Industrial Revolution. It you would still like homework for your child please e-mail and I'll get some sorted for you.
Mr Dufty

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Week 4 Spelling

Group A
amplifier, bass, carving, comedy, corresponding, diffusion, endangered, extensive, Galileo, indentification, isobar, medieval, neutron, pagan, portrait, recount, semibreve, suffix, translation, yeast.

Group B
analyse, attempt, candidate, coffin, copies, delightful, economic, experiment, freckles, imitation, make-up, mule, pasttime, preferred, regretted, siege, squid, sunbathe, tragically, wrestlng.

Group C
apologise, border, collect, data, dye, fancy, goodness, hurricane, kettle, mainly, multiply, outline, powerful, rectangle, seagull, spade, support, treaty, vehicle, whoever.

Group D
actual, average, breast, charge, crown, disco, fail, grade, industry, lose, maybe, notice, pilot, purpose, record, recorder, scissors, supply, touch, whenever.