Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Homework Weeks 8 & 9

Mission Impossible!?

Your mission…if you choose to accept it; is to use the researching and presentation skills you have developed and design your own piece of learning. You have two weeks to develop, investigate and present to the world a project on a person you believe is worthwhile knowing more about. They don’t have to be famous but they have to be someone you believe shows excellence, pride and spirit in their life and endeavours.

Your work will be presented on our class blog and view by billions of people!

Week One
·  First night. Sit down with someone and think of someone interesting to learn more about. Someone who is a role model for you!
·  Share with Mr Dufty who this amazing person is. Everyone will have to choose someone different so make sure you have a back up.
·  Bring your 5 big questions and 5 extra facts to school to share with Mr Dufty. Make sure they are questions you don’t know the answers to but you know you can find the information easily. If you already know things about your person these will be your extra facts.
·  Present your published questions to Mr Dufty. These are to be in your homework book.
Week Two
·  Presentation day. Don’t let yourself or family down by not handing anything in.

You can present your homework anyway you like. Poster, movie, Powerpoint, webpage or Word, it's up to you. The more inventive the better but make sure you show Mum and Dad so they can check your spelling. This is an independent task so you can not work with anyone else. All work will be placed on our class blog. If you do you homework by hand Mr Dufty will scan it and place it on there. Anything done on computer can be e-mailed or brought to school on a disc.

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