Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Class and Homework. The Industrial Revolution.

Over the next few weeks you are going to investigate the Industrial Revolution. You will look at what it was and how it affected the way we live today. This is a part of your homework – along with your reading and spelling.
This is a chance to prove that you can work independently, are self-motivated and are able to stay on task when needed. You can work with another person outside of school but in class you will be independent.
You will first investigate and find the answers to the question below. You will use two pages in your homework to collect information. Then you will present it as a A4 poster (double sided) for your sample folder.
These are not one word answers so you will need to put some throught into it.
1.       Who could be seen as a pioneer during the Industrial revolution? What did they do and why was it important?
2.       When and why did the Industrial Revolution happen?
3.       Where in the world was the Industrial Revolution seen to develop from (City and Country)?
4.       What was the Industrial Revolution about? 
5.       Why was the Industrial Revolution seen as an important event in human history?
6.       What important technological improvements were made during this time?
7.       How did it change society and the way cities were built?
8.       What was a negative aspect of the Industrial Revolution?
9.       What was the biggest change in the way people produced things?
10.   How did children live during this time? Tell me about the rich and poor. How were children used as labour during this time?
11.   Create a VENN diagram and compare a child of the industrial revolution and a child growing up the 2012.

 This project is due on Monday 5th November.

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