Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Week 6 Notices

Thank you for your support with homework. I am trying to make sure students set and maintain high presentation, information and self-management standards. This can only happen with your support.
Next week is very busy and I will be out of school on the Tuesday and Friday.

Jump Rope 4 Heart
·         We are having our Skip-a-thon on Monday. Please ensure your child brings all the money they have collected. Well done Regan and Pacey who have already collected $70. A great start.

Hastings Intermediate Visit
·         This is happening this coming Monday. Mr Shortcliffe will be in Room 7 at 9:15am and is there to speak to our students about what Hastings Intermediate can offer our students. Parents are most welcome to sit in on this meeting. Please be in Room 7 by 9:00am if you wish to be a part of this.

Science Roadshow
·         On Tuesday we are visiting Heretaunga Intermediate for the Science Roadshow. We still need help with transport. As of yesterday Room 7 had only two adults helping. If you are able to help please contact me.

Kapa Haka
·         We have new Kapa Haka tutors and the students love it. If you are free on Wednesday afternoons and wish to see what our students can do please feel free to come in.

·         Miss Watson is teaching some basic Mandarin to the students while she is in Room 7. Ask them to share what they are learning.

Class website
·         I hope students are still showing our class blog site. On there you will find all the latest photos and information on what is happening. Please like us on facebook and join up to twitter to get free instant messages.

Have a great week.
Mr Dufty and Miss Watson

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Amazing Homework!!!

Homework Week 5

Due Date:  Friday 30th August

1.      Write a 1 sentence to a paragraph on the following:
·         The capital city
·         The population                                                                                
·         The food
·         The languages
·         The ethnicities
·         The Great Wall

2.      Draw the flag
3.      Make your assignment look pretty by adding some pictures and images
4.      Add any other information you are interested in.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Basketball Training.

Today we had basketball training. Our first skill was dribbling. You dribble a ball with your fingers (spider fingers) not the palm of your hand. Don't bounce it too high and bounce it at waist height.

We had to practice our basketball look.


Sunday, 18 August 2013

Bangers and Maths

Thank you to everyone who came to our Bangers and Maths night. A wonderful night of maths fun.

Making graphs in Maths

An awesome day in maths making bar graphs. Look at Joe-Sam's amazing focus, Psyris's attention to detail and the awesome smiles. Well done to everyone.

Homework Week 4. Who am I? Who are We?

I would like you to create a personal profile on your self at this present time with information about how you feel about growing up in the Hawkes Bay and New Zealand. You will need to interview your parents or a guardian about what it was like to grow up when they were your age.

1.     A paragraph of information about where you live (Hastings, Flaxmere, etc).
2.    Information about your family (this could include your immediate and extended family).
3.    What is it like to grow up in the Hawkes Bay in the year 2013?
4.    What are the great things about living in New Zealand now?
5.    What are your concerns about the future of New Zealand? If you could change one thing what would it be?
6.    Ask your parent(s) or guardian what it was like growing up when they were your age. What were the positive and negative things.
7.    Design a timeline of your life, so far, with ten key points of importance with reasons. Add five key life events from your parent(s) or guardian during their first 13 years using a different colour.
8.    Write a paragraph on what it means to be a New Zealander?

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Homework Week 3

Your homework for week three is on Mr Dufty! Think of some closed and open ended questions you could ask.

Closed questions will give you one word answers.
Opened questions will give you more information and further questions.

You will have time to ask me anything about my upbringing, family, role models and my schooling. This is a chance to ask me about what it was like growing up. I was 10 in 1983! 

You can share questions with other students.

These things must be in your homework. 
10 questions about me with answers.
Mr Dufty will bring in photos.

Room 7's questions for Mr Dufty.

Where and when were you born?
Te Awamutu on the 22nd February 1973.
What year did you become a teacher?
How old are you?
What is your favourite sport?
Softball and Rugby. I enjoy playing sports more than watching.
What is the best good deed you have done?
Being a teacher is a good deed.
When did you get married?
1994. 19th November.
What is your star sign?
How many schools have you taught at?
Havelock North Intermediate and Ebbett Park School.
What was your favourite subject at school and why?
Art & Technical Drawing. I hated maths and spelling when I was little. Maths made no sense to me until I started using after school.
How and why did you become a teacher?
Always wanted to be a teacher. I lectured at an Art School in drawing and printmaking and enjoyed it. I love the creative side of teaching and watching young people get the love and enjoyment of learning something new or showing off their "awesomeness". You all that feeling when you do something cool and amazing - I get to share that moment with all my students; isn't that so cool! It has also been awesome to watch some of my students have great success in their lives and careers.
Who are your role models and why?
I have many and some I have never meet. My family are an amazing group of role model. They are important because they teach you want to do and what not to do! My mother is a huge role model in my life - she is amazing! I have been with my wife since we were 17 so she is important! My brother. My Dad. My Poppa and Nana. My two older cousins - Todd and Scott. My friends - I have a very small group of friends but they keep my feet on the ground so they are very important.
I love David Bowie, Robert Smith and Martin Gore. They are all musicians who I admire and were very important when growing up. Music is a huge part of who I am and I am lost without it. David Bowie is an important person to me because of his willing to try and explore new things - whether it be music, film, writing or art.
What is your favourite place?
Did you have any dreams when you were little and what were they?
To be a musician but I am not brave enough!
What was the most important thing you learn at school or when you were young?
To follow your dreams. Practise does make perfect. To remember that being a 'rebel' is not new and if someone tells you that you never be able to do certain things... prove them wrong!!
What was the best thing about growing up when you were 10?
We had less pressures, being able to go anywhere, record stores, spaces parlours, lots of sport, no cell phones or computers, going to the movies was cheap and you could buy a huge bag of lollies for $1!
What did you want to be when you were young?
An architect.
What were your challenges at school?
I went to many different schools. At primary school I was very average and not very good at maths and spelling. I hid in class and didn't like to stand out. I was good at art and sport. At High School I became more confident and worked hard on the things that I had strengths in. I studied hard but didn't really know what I wanted to do when I finished. There were not many jobs out there.
What do you hate?
Liars, stealers and people who have no empathy. People who will not try.
What do you like?
People with loyalty and are passionate, art, music, sport, literature, family.
What is the most important things to you?
My family. My music and art collections.
What were your tragedies and how did this changed your life?
Losing my best friend shaped my attitude towards how I do things. He was and is a very important person who my wife and I think about all the time. He was my best man at my wedding and we went to High School and Art School together. Gabrielle is named after his favourite musician.
Little Gabi has never meet my father and her mother's Mum and Dad. They all died in the space of three years.

Some great questions Room 7!!!!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Homework Week 2. Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard

The leader and main figurehead of the suffragist movement in New Zealand - the first country in the world to grant universal adult suffrage to men and women equally.

 Kate was a source of inspiration to suffragist and campaigners for equality between  genders, both in New Zealand and throughout the world.

1.     Where and when was Kate born? Tell me about her family. When did she emigrate? Who did she marry? Did she have any children?
2.    What is a “Social Reformer” and why was Kate one of these people?
3.    What does the word “suffragette” mean?
4.    How did she become interested in this fight for equal rights for women?
5.    What is a Parliamentary Petition? How many did she organise and what were the results?
6.    What happened to the Electoral Act of 1893?
7.    What happens when an act is “amended”?
8.    Who and when was the first woman MP in NZ Parliament?
9.    Who was the first woman Prime Minister of NZ? Who was the first woman to win a general election in NZ?

Week One Homework Winners
Well done to Regan, Caitlyn, Keira and Shantalia. You have won a week of no homework for your effort last week. Love the time management and presentation.
Regan's amazing homework.

Keira's incredible effort.

Caitlyn's awesome effort

Shantalia's fantastic work!