Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Homework Week 2. Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard

The leader and main figurehead of the suffragist movement in New Zealand - the first country in the world to grant universal adult suffrage to men and women equally.

 Kate was a source of inspiration to suffragist and campaigners for equality between  genders, both in New Zealand and throughout the world.

1.     Where and when was Kate born? Tell me about her family. When did she emigrate? Who did she marry? Did she have any children?
2.    What is a “Social Reformer” and why was Kate one of these people?
3.    What does the word “suffragette” mean?
4.    How did she become interested in this fight for equal rights for women?
5.    What is a Parliamentary Petition? How many did she organise and what were the results?
6.    What happened to the Electoral Act of 1893?
7.    What happens when an act is “amended”?
8.    Who and when was the first woman MP in NZ Parliament?
9.    Who was the first woman Prime Minister of NZ? Who was the first woman to win a general election in NZ?

Week One Homework Winners
Well done to Regan, Caitlyn, Keira and Shantalia. You have won a week of no homework for your effort last week. Love the time management and presentation.
Regan's amazing homework.

Keira's incredible effort.

Caitlyn's awesome effort

Shantalia's fantastic work!

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