Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Week 3 Homework

Students will come home with a homework book. Inside there are a set of tasks to complete.

Spelling: Students will have a list of words to learn during the week. Find a quiet place and help them find the best way for them to learn the word sounds and spelling rules. They don't need to learn the words they already know.

Reading: Students are required to read out loud to a parents or guardian every night for 5-10 minutes. Students who are involved in the home reading programme have books given to him by Mrs Kyle. The remainder of students are to select their own reading material. Students can read the newspaper, an article from the internet or their favourite book. If parents would like reading material for their child please ask.

Inquiry: Your first challenge is to share something about your family. You are to write and share your own pepeha. We talked in class about how you can do this. If you have another language you use at home you can use this – just write a translation for the class. It can be written in english but remember that a pepeha tells me about who you are and your ancestry. So find out places or landmarks of importance to your family. Ask for help from people who know. You can publish by hand or on the computer.

Let me share some information about my whakapapa.

I have links to Scotland and England. My Mum’s family are Scottish and my Dad’s family are English. My Mum’s family is MacErlich, from the major MacDonald clan and the MacErlich’s come from Inverness. My Great great parents travelled from Scotland to New Zealand on the boat HMS Ruapehu. For years we thought my Dad’s family were on the Welsh side of the Wales / England border. Then I also found out that the spelling of Dufty had changed. It used to be spelt Doughty with the ‘gh’ making the ‘f’ sound. Unfortunately there is very little know about my fathers family – they have a dark past!

A Pepeha Framework

Ko ____________ te māunga

Ko ____________ te awa/roto/moana

Ko ____________ te waka

Ko ____________ tōku tīpuna

Ko ____________ tōku iwi

Ko ____________ tōku hapū

Ko ____________ tōku marae

Nō ____________ ahau

Ko ____________ rāua ko __________ ōku mātua

Ko ____________ tōku ingoa

The mountain that I affiliate to is _________________________

The river/lake/sea that I affiliate to is ____________________

The waka that I affiliate to is ____________________________

My (founding) ancestor is _______________

My tribe is _____________________________

My sub-tribe is _________________________

My marae is ___________________________

I am from _____________________________

My parents are __________ and ___________

My name is ____________________________

An example of Mr Dufty’s Pepeha

Ko Ruapehu te māunga

Ko Waikato te awa

Ko Taupo te roto

Ko HMS Ruapehu te waka

Ko MacDonald tōku iwi

Ko MacErlich tōku hapū

Ko Ebbett Park School te kura

Nō Heretaunga ahau

Ko Jessica rāua ko Maurice ōku mātua

Ko Hamish Dufty tōku ingoa

This is an example of using a different language to write a pepeha.

Check out this link to view examples from last year.

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