Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Looking good in Room 7

A great day in Room 7. Watching the kids get stuck into their inquiry projects and start to think outside the box with their presentation ideas. This is Aliyah's amazing investigation on R2D2. Well done Aliyah you have set a very high standard!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Principal's Award Winner - Myrakyll Heke

Congratulation Myrakyll. A great role model and leader. 
All Black Sevens star Gillies Kaka and
our own EPS star Myrakyll Heke

Inquiry Learning in Room 7

Students are busy getting ready for their presentations. They have had to form their own questions and find the information. Students are learning to rewrite information out in their own words. We are also making sure our presentations are fun to look at. Check out what Joshua has done so far. I can't wait to Friday!

Weeks 8 & 9

Thank you to all the parents who could make it to our Parent / Teacher conferences. It was great catching up  and being able to share the wonderful learning happening in Room 7.

We still have swimming this week. We finish on Thursday.

There is no homework for the remaining week of school. Well done to those students who have made the effort - you are amazing!!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Parent / Student / Teacher Conferences

Parent/ Student/ Teacher Conferences     Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th June

I am looking forward to catching up and talking about our amazing students. At these meetings students will share their sample folder and their report. These will go home at the end of the meeting.

3:00pm - Trinity
3:10pm - Dontaey
3:20pm - Michelleyah
3:30pm - Dominic
3:40pm - Aniah
3:50pm - Joshua
4:00pm - Vincent
4:10pm - Nicole
4:20pm - Rihari
4:30pm - Daniel
4:40pm - Sasha
4:50pm - Myrakyll
5:00pm - Macayla
5:10pm - Dilpreet
5:30pm - Lauryn

3:00pm - C.J
3:10pm - Alyiah
3:20pm - Zareus
3:30pm - Zaviar
3:40pm - Hine

If you can't make it please e-mail me at or ring Lynda in the office.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Wednesday, 4 June 2014