Room 7 Matariki Display 2015

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Inquiry in Room 7

 In Room 7 we have been working on making sure we are presenting your work to the highest standards. We want our work to stand out and make a statement! Students have to make sure they plan before they start working on their final presentation.
Daniel show real pride in making his presentation stand out.
A super effort Daniel.

Macayla worked hard on making her presentation interesting
and she give it a theme. An amazing effort Macayla. 

Cool presentation Vincent!!!

Love the word art from Sasha.

Amazing effort with Nicole's themed presentation. 

Aniah made her presentation come to life!

Great information and presentation from Alyiah.
Love the cool word art!

Monday, 19 May 2014

Amazing Poetry

Check out our amazing writing blog!!

My Mum

Her face is like a smooth rock carved into an oval shape.
Her teeth are like a shining star in the sky.
Her hands are like as firm as a stone getting skimmed into the sea.
Her arms are long as a tree branch floating in the air.
Her legs are as white as the moon at night.
Her voice is like a sweet sound of a musician.
Her hair looks like chocolate caramel dripping to the ground.
Her hugs are as comfy as an armchair.
Her fingers are as skinny as a leaf floating in the air.
Her stare is like a baby staring at her mother for the first time.
Her laugh is like the sound of a giggling bird.

By Michelleyah

My Mummy

Her smile is like the big bright scorching yellow sun.
Her hair is as long as big thick jungle vines.
Her stare is like a tiger hunting for it’s prey.
Her hugs are as comfy as a big brown bear.
Her laugh is like a hyena laughing all night long.
Her face is smooth as a wooden box carved in the shape of circle.
Her voice is like 100 angels singing all the way in heaven.
Her hands are as smooth as a babies bottom.
Her legs are long like a clown on stilts.
Her fingers are like little twigs on a tree branch.
Her arms are like two long bendy pencils.

By Nicole

My Mum

Her hands are like a sponge pit.
Her laugh is like a kitten meowing annoyingly.
Her smile is like a pot always open but the pid is put on when she is frowning.
Her legs are like smiles moving one second but not the next.
Her stare is like a witch; it can make you do anything.
Her arms are like mops, always cleaning up our tears carefully.
Her eyes are like a blue river, always open and free.
Her fingers are like white pencils.
Her hair is like butterfly wings always flapping about.
Her hugs are like magic and they make me go “words can not explain”

By Macayla

We are starting our own personal inquiry.

Room 7 are learning how to undertake an inquiry. We are starting off small and learning what makes a great question, what is an open or closed question and making sure we have questions that make sense!

Students can pick what they what to investigate but it must fall into one of four categories.
1. The Universe.
2. Planet Earth.
3. Animals and Plants.
4. Machines.

We had a great afternoon where everyone started planning their projects and making sure their questions were first rate. Super co-operation Room 7.
Mr Dufty is looking forward to seeing all the learning about Panda Bears, Dinosaurs, Snakes, Planets, Comets, Guns, Volcanos and all the other amazing ideas people came up with.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Amazing Effort and Self Management in Room 7!

Check out Macayla and Aniah's effort with their homework. Mr Dufty thinks you two are amazing!! Tino pai rawa atu!!!

Remember that during this term you are responsible for managing your time and yourselves. There are no excuses for not completing your homework.

What's new in Room 7?

This year Mr Dufty is very busy with PB4L. PB4L means Positive Behaviour for Learning and Ebbett Park School is very lucky to be included. Ebbett Park School was selected for this initiative because we are doing great things! This will mean the Mr Dufty will be out of the school at times when he attends training workshops. 

One thing we are trying this term is a new way of rewarding Room 7 students for doing the right thing. We will have a focus skill or behaviour. Every time Mr Dufty, Miss Clarke or Miss Avie notice a student doing great things we will put their face up on the wall. If they get four faces they then get free time on Friday. 

This also goes towards our House points and it has been very close. Rongo have made a great start with winning the House trophy this week. A huge well done also goes out to Zareus Smith who was included in the Book of Winners on Friday. Zareus has made a great start to the term.

If parent notices a student doing the right thing all the time please tell me and they will be acknowledged for their effort.


Thursday, 8 May 2014

Principal's Award Winner - Dilpreet Brar

Congratulations Dilpreet for winning the Principal's Award from Mr Bloor. You are a fantastic role model and amazing student.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Welcome back to Term 2.

Welcome back to term two. Room 7 students would have come home with notices and homework.

Homework will go home every Tuesday and needs to be returned to class on Monday. Those students who complete their homework tasks will receive a reward.

We are having a special welcome assembly for Mr Bloor on Friday at 1:30pm. Everyone is welcome.

Check out our leaf playing photos. A chance for Room 7 to have fun playing in leaves before it gets too cold and wet!